ElBarri by Albert Adrià and Josper, recipe 4: roasted oyster with horn of plenty mushroom tea

In this new video from ElBarri by Albert Adrià and Josper, we are going to learn how to cook a roasted oyster with horn of plenty mushroom tea.

The oyster needs no introduction. It is a true delicacy, just opened with a little lemon, although this time it is going to have a somewhat different, very original condiment: a tea made with horn of plenty mushrooms.

Horn of plenty, black chanterelle, black trumpet, trumpet of the dead, rossinyol negre or orella d’ase in Catalonian, saltzaperretxiko beltz in Basque… For many, the craterellus cornucopioides is the most flavourful mushroom. It is dark, almost black, and very typical of late winter, especially in the last stretch of the season or even early spring. They are difficult to find and are present in a forest’s damp areas, especially those with conifers. It is possible to find them out of season, either dried whole, or as a powder or flour. They must be handled artfully it in the kitchen, given their fragility.

Here, Albert is going to mix these delicious products and give them a special smoky touch in the Josper oven. Let’s see how he does it:

Ingredientes ostra con té de trompetas de la muerte


-Dried horn of plenty mushrooms (5 g.)

-Soy (5 g.)

-Mineral water (130 ml)

Here you can see a video with the whole process:


Hydrate the mushrooms with mineral water for 12 hours in a bowl, to which you should also add the soy. Then boil the mixture in a pot for 12 minutes. Let it steep for 10 minutes and cover with plastic film to store it.

Clean the oyster, removing all the hairs from the shell, and put it in very cold water to preserve all its flavour. Then use a special oyster knife to open it. Once clean and open, put the oyster over an ice base to keep it cold.

Cool the oyster in ice water

Place the oyster on a tray on a bed of sea salt. Then smoke it in the Josper for one minute. Take out the tray using your Josper tongs.

And that’s it. And that’s it. Serve the tea how they do it in ElBarri:

Enjoy this dish, as original as they come!

ElBarri by Albert Adrià and Josper

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