Josper-style rolled beef by Gilles Goujon

redondo relleno al josper por gilles goujon

The restaurant L’Auberge du Vieux Puits in Fontjoncouse (Aude, France) is hidden in the middle of vineyards. It has three Michelin stars since 2010, and it has been declared one of the best tables on the planet.

Behind his success is a “star”, an “artist”, as he is known in the area, thanks to the fact that the town has been saved by his talent – or has it been the other way around?

The area provides Chef Gilles Goujon with the land and seasonal products that serve as an inexhaustible source of inspiration for the Chef, and as such, his creations are “a ray of light on a dish that leads to spring in autumn.”

He does confess that, if you do what you have to do with the product, it will thank you. As much or more than the sellers of the stalls of the local markets that provide him with the treasures that will make up the menu dishes of the three Michelin-star restaurant. No wonder Gilles Goujon keeps the best crops.

Three Michelin-star chef Gilles Goujon in the market

For the dish that we discover today, we will not deepen into the rolled beef. Meat lovers, and Chef Gilles Goujon in particular, already know that Josper offers the perfect tool so that the temperature is perfectly distributed over the product, and in this case the surface of the meat is tender and moist, keeping its pink color when cut.

Today we are going to know a little more in depth a cooking technique very used in France that, apart from being very easy to make at home, gives any dish a soft and crunchy touch: cooking with salt crust.

Onion in salt crust

Cooking with salt crust is a very simple culinary technique that allows you to create exquisite dishes.

At the same time that it makes the aromas be conserved and concentrated, the texture is infinitely more tender and tastier.

In this case, to accompany the rolled beef dish, the onion is cooked in a salt crust. The best thing is that it can be any type of onion.

onion in salt crust by Gilles Goujon

Of course, the use of sea salt is highly recommended (in this case, from the salt of Guérande, a natural sea salt from the Atlantic coast of France) and, for the more daring, it is advisable to add other condiments such as herbs to the mixture (oregano, thyme …), spices, pepper… so that the crust has even more flavor.


  • Onions
  • Flour
  • Water
  • Sea salt


  • Mix the flour, water and salt until you get a firm paste.
  • Place the whole onions (without cutting the ends) in the salt crust.
  • Bake in a preheated oven tray at 180 ° C (350 ° F) for 45-90 minutes (depending on the size of the onions).
  • Take onions out and let cool.


cutting the onion in salt crust

Cut the “base” of the onion.

cut the base of the onion in salt crust

With the help of a spoon, gently remove the onion.

remove the onion from inside the salt crust with a spoon

Remove the first layer of the onion (which is too salty to eat) and cut the onion to taste.

By clicking on the following link, you can see the video that illustrates the recipe of Gilles Goujon’s rolled beef:

Photos: JOSPER Official Site,,

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