They say that everything in life has been invented, but whoever said that doesn’t know our dear Rafa Zafra.

Rural is a restaurant where his love of flavours and textures is sublime, a mustfor lovers of sophistication, where Zafra’s devotion to the best raw materials and their enormous versatility is once again demonstrated: marinades, pickled products, offal, brochettes and, obviously, MEAT. And what meat, my friends

A tailored in-line Josper for Rural
We have turned our attention to the tailor-made project by tracing a path composed of a Josper charcoal oven (model HJX-PRO), a Basque Grill (tabletop) and a Robatagrill (RGJ-050). All customised for Rural, integrated into the design of the kitchen itself. To achieve this, we involved our R&D department and customised the installation from top to bottom. A laborious job, but really appreciated once you enter Rural and see how the chef has managed to make everything work like clockwork. A concept that fits in perfectly with the rural and rustic style of the restaurant. Unique in the world, a union of design, technology, avant-garde, but always maintaining the beginnings and nobility of grilled cuisine. What could be more Rural?
Rafa (we like to call him by his first name because we consider him a good friend of the JOSPER family) changed the rules of the game and soon his cuisine became synonymous with innovation, beauty and sustainability. And now, once again, it has managed to surprise both locals and strangers, offering carnivores a place to return to where the ovens take their rightful place.
He brought the sea home with his first restaurant in Barcelona, Estimar, where he invented new ways of experimenting with fish and seafood. A place that soon became one of those culinary temples that one decides to visit at least once in a lifetime, a treat for the palate and a paradise for the stomach. Word spread and one fine day, Estimar decided that Madrid was a good place to continue to wow the crowds, so he opened his second venue there to the delight of the locals.
We are not going to deny it, we are very happy to accompany Rural, and Rafa Zafra, once again on this path of passion for gastronomy. Grateful to always count on our Charcoal Ovens, Basque Grills, Robatagrills and our confidence.
From the JOSPER family we wish Rural a very long life, and that Rafa continues to surprise our palates!