Guinness Record for grilled artichokes

On 17 March, Pineda de Mar was the star of an epic challenge, organised by the restaurant PURA BRASA and the oven brand Josper, to beat the Guinness World Record for the most artichokes cooked on a grill at once.

After applying to Guinness World Records and meeting all the organisation’s requirements for receiving the honour, PURA BRASA and Josper obtained the license to be the first to accomplish this achievement. Until now, no one has dared to do anything like this: 1,150 kg of artichokes grilled in just one hour.

To set this record, a spectacular display of logistical and gastronomic feats were organised on the Pins Beach in Pineda de Mar, where everyone coming see and taste the exquisite artichokes became the main players of the event. More than 5,000 cheerleaders, curious spectators, skeptics and artichoke lovers witnessed and participated in the event, particularly the 50 volunteers from PURA BRASA, Josper and the XIP association of Pineda de Mar, La Xarxa d’Inicitives Pindenques, who collaborated selflessly to make this a reality.

The event’s timetable was as follows:

Location: Els Pins, the beach of Pineda de Mar (400 metres from the Pineda de Mar station):

11:30 – Lighting of the charcoal (60 metres long).

12:00 – Presentation for press and invitees.

12:30 – Placing the artichokes on the charcoal grill.

13:30 – Taking them off the grill. Artichokes prepared for serving.

15:00 – Acknowledgements and presentation of the check to the Food Bank.

16:00 – End of the event.

Guinness Record for grilled artichokes in one hour

Poster for the attempt to beat the Guinness World Record

The organization set special affordable prices so that all families could enjoy a full day.

Advanced purchase was available in PURA BRASA Pineda de Mar and in PURA BRASA Arenas, as well as on the actual day of the event. The restaurant PURA BRASA Pineda de Mar and PURA BRASA Arenas offered a special Guinness World Record menu from 10-18 March, at a price of €30.

The event was a charitable one, as it made a donation of €2,000 to the Fundació Banc dels Aliments (Food Bank).

What is the Food Bank?

The Barcelona Food Bank is managed by an independent, apolitical, non-denominational and non-profit private charity whose main objective is to collect food surpluses and distribute them among local entities so that they reach the needy.

What does the Food Bank do?

The fight against waste and hunger is close by: The food basically comes from overproduction.

Gratuity is of primary importance: The food is received and distributed, cost free.

A guarantee of fair distribution: Food is distributed through approved charities, which, through their direct relationship with people in need, can ensure that the food reaches its final destination.

Coordination and management thanks to the participation of volunteers. We currently have over 219 valuable volunteers collaborating.

Organised by:

PURA BRASA, Josper, Pineda de Mar Town Council.

With the help of:

Departament d’Agricultura, Ramaderia, Pesca i Alimentació de la Generalitat de Catalunya, Estrella Damm e Inèdit and Cooperativa Agrícola del Prat.

In support of:

Fundació Banc de Aliments

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