Jamie Oliver grills peaches in his Josper oven

Jamie Olivier and Josper

Today we came across this image of Jamie Oliver on Instagram, in which he shows some peaches directly placed on the coals of his Josper Oven, explaining that this intensifies their incredible flavour. He announces that he will shortly show the final results… and it has created high expectations!

And he is no less the chef who revolutionised British food, as he advocates for healthy food and cooking. In addition to his successful career as the star of numerous television programmes, he is the author of various cookbooks and has opened some thirty restaurants around the world.

We are delighted that personalities with the clout of chef Jamie Oliver share their creativity with Josper and proudly show results like this:

La receta al horno Josper de Jamie Olivet
Josper oven recipe by Jaime Oliver

Jamie Oliver also posted the images on Twitter, @jamieoliver:

Tuit de Jamie Oliver sobreJosper

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